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OP&DSD History

In 1961, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara established the Directorate of Organizational & Management Planning to:

  • Create an office with a management re-engineering focus;
  • Operate as an honest-broker advisor to the Secretary of Defense regarding proposals to:
    • Reorganize OSD or the Department
    • Establish, merge, or change organizations

In 2014, Organizational & Management Planning was renamed Policy & Decision Support Division (P&DSD) and became part of the Management, Policy, and Analysis Directorate of the Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO). In February of 2016, P&DSD was renamed Organizational Policy and Decision Support Directorate (OP&DSD), reporting directly to the DCMO. In accordance with Section 910 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2018, the position of DCMO has been eliminated, and the position of the Chief Management Officer (CMO) is established.


OP&DSD Mission

To carry out Department of Defense-wide and Office of the Secretary of Defense organizational policy and decision support activities for the Chief Management Officer, the Secretary of Defense, and other senior leaders in the Department.


OP&DSD Responsibilities

General responsibilities include providing support to the Immediate Office of the Secretary of Defense; assisting with the stand up, reorganization, or stand-down of DoD organizations; providing policy guidance on matters of organization and management to DoD Components; and supporting the execution of many Departmental management programs; and, providing governance support to the Deputy's Management Action Group and the Defense Business Council.


OP&DSD Leadership