The Office of the Future

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Getting educated about what Office of the Future can do for you is the first step. Reading through the education package and other materials accessible in the media tab will provide a basic understanding of the concepts and design principles that could improve your organization. Once you have an understanding of the OTF concepts, see the assessment and the following steps to move forward.

Take your office Assessment

The office assessment process is essential to gauge the feasibility and potential benefits of an OTF project. Filling out these form will involve various stakeholders from IT, HR, and office managers.

Get Insights and Analysis

After filling out your assessment, we will be able to deliver data-driven insights to help your group understand areas for improvement, how you stack up against other groups, and your readiness score for an OTF project.

Provide Personalized Recommendations

Using insights from each assessment, WHS and its partners will synthesize recommendations on which type of strategies will add the most value to your group’s office space. These recommendations will be driven by the distinct characteristics of the organization.


Arriving at the implementation stage means interfacing with WHS and its design partners in the actual planning, design and construction of new office space. These renovations will be driven by certain triggers such as budgetary cycles, lease expirations, and new mission requirements.

Past Projects

The Office of the Future program is part of a larger effort of WHS to streamline its real estate portfolio and create a strategy that is both efficient and elevates the ability of DoD groups to conduct their mission. WHS has, for the past few years, been working to consolidate locations and shed unused and underutilized space. These actions have been taken in an effort to meet the cost reduction needs of the federal government and divert more funding to the warfighter.

As part of the continued effort to ensure the optimum real estate utilization and efficiency, the next step is to take a close look at the elements of workplace and align them to the needs of the DoD and its departments.