This reform will modernize DoD digital learning systems by implementing federated digital architectures that use enterprise-wide data-driven methods, while improving how digital learning software and services are purchased and maintained. EDLM implements DoD and Federal guidance, including the three pillars of the President's Management Agenda (IT modernization, data modernization, and talent management), DoD's Digital Modernization Strategy, and OMB's Category Management directive.

In March 2019, Margaret Weichert (left) and Lisa W. Hershman (right) signed an OPM-DoD memorandum of agreement for DoD enterprise digital learning reform.
EDLM has two major goals: (1) Use shared assisted acquisition ("category management") to improve the efficiency of DoD training and education purchases, and (2) modernize DoD digital learning systems to create a data-centric DoD-wide "learning ecosystem."
The reform first seeks to get a handle on DoD's education and training spending—reducing duplications of effort, encouraging the use of shared services, and streamlining acquisition processes. Specifically, the Reform Management Group directed DoD organizations to use an assisted acquisition approach to ensure good category management to make education and training spending transparent across the agency using common mechanisms. Second, the reform seeks to encourage interoperability at the DoD-wide level by building an enterprise course catalog and an enterprise learning record repository undertaken by the ADL Initiative.
The EDLM reform encourages DoD organizations to use The Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) USALearning program as a hub for acquiring unclassified products and services that support education and training. As an OPM organization (per 5 USC § 4116), USALearning is formally permitted to "advise and assist in the establishment, operation, and maintenance of the training programs."
- July 2018: The Pentagon's Reform Management Group approved the EDLM, and the CMO issued a memo approving three lines of effort for the EDLM reform.
- 26 March 2019: OPM and the CMO signed a memorandum of agreement defining their mutual plans for EDLM.
- 26 April 2019: The CMO issued a memo on Category Management directing all DoD Components to participate in the reform, which was reinforced with a memo dated 8 April 2020.
- April 2020: The CMO chartered an Executive Steering Committee for EDLM, comprised of the DASD for Force Education and Training, the Director of DCPAS, the Director of OUSD(Intel) Human Capital Management Office, and the CMO's Director of Defense Business Systems.
News Release on MOU between OPM and CMO (March 2019)
Category Management Memo (26 April 2019)
Acquisition Policy Memo Extension (8 April 2020)
OMB Memo M-19-13, Category Management: Making Smarter Use of Common Contract Solutions and Practices